Access to Healthcare
United Way is removing barriers to ensure all youth and adults have access to quality and affordable health care. To do this, we invest in programs that provide access to general, dental, prenatal, perinatal, behavioral, and mental health care.
Initiatives We Lead
Empowering Minds - A key initiative that focuses on prevention, equity, and access to mental health services for local high school students.
Health Improvement Fund - Increases coverage, access, care coordination, and community health in Milwaukee.
Our Impact
Of those that participated in United Way-funded health care access programs:
- 98% felt they received the support they needed in making decisions
- 99% felt they used the resources they had been given
- 98% felt they received the education they need to care for themselves
- 98% felt they had ownership over their own care
- 98% felt they were able to make their own decisions
- 98% felt they were included in setting a plan for their own health
- 91% felt their pain was relieved or managed
- 98% felt their needs were met
Of adults who participated in United Way-funded behavioral and mental health programs:
- 87% were better able to identify stressors in their lives
- 87% were able to create a plan to manage their stress
- 87% learned skills to cope with their stress
- 85% were better able to communicate with others
- 87% felt their relationships were better
- 88% were better able to function at school or work
- 87% had a better understanding of the problems they were struggling with
- 88% knew specific steps to improve their situation
Of children who participated in United Way-funded behavioral and mental health programs:
- 94% felt their social/emotional well-being was supported within the context of the family
- 90% maintained or improved behavior at school
- 90% maintained or improved behavior with their peers
- 91% maintained or improved their behavior at home
- 84% displayed signs of improvement in social skills
- 81% displayed signs of developmental improvement in self-regulation of emotions
- 87% displayed signs of developmental improvement in communication skills
Of those that participated in United Way-funded pregnancy parenting and support services programs:
- 98% were connected to a medical home
- 99% brought baby in for a six-week checkup
- 92% attended a parenting program or were referred to a parenting program
- 100% were educated on the benefits of breastfeeding
- 100% were educated on safe sleep environments
- 98% were observed using a safe sleep environment
- 99% were educated about the effects of smoking and second-hand smoke
- 99% had a healthy pregnancy outcome
- 93% carried the baby to term
- 90% delivered a baby with a healthy birth weight
Community Coalitions, Collaborations, & Partnerships
Health & Wellness
United Way supports youth and adults of all ages and abilities to ensure everyone has the opportunity to live with independence and dignity. We do this by investing in programs that provide older adults with support and independence, services for children and adults with disabilities, and their families and caregivers..
Our Impact
Of the adults who participated in United Way-funded disabilities programs:
- 94% felt their financial concerns were addressed
- 93% felt their housing concerns were addressed
- 94% felt their employment concerns were addressed
- 95% attended social activities
- 95% were connected to support networks
- 95% engaged in socialization and friendship opportunities
- 93% interacted with other members of the community
- 94% understood their rights
- 99% felt they were treated with respect and dignity
- 96% improved their daily living skills
- 98% achieved goals they set for themselves
- 99% participated in making their own choices
- 98% let their needs be known (advocated)
- 99% felt safe and secure in their environment
- 96% were better able to cope with stress
Of the children who participated in United Way-funded disabilities programs:
- 98% cooperated with other children
- 99% maintained appropriate behavior or improved behavior
- 96% displayed signs of developmental improvement in self-help/adapting
- 98% displayed developmental improvement in cognitive skills
- 97% displayed developmental improvement in motor skills
- 97% displayed signs of developmental improvement in communication skills
- 96% displayed signs of developmental improvement in pre-literacy/literacy skills
- 98% displayed signs of developmental improvement in social skills
- 97% displayed signs of developmental improvement in self-regulation of emotions
Of the caregivers who participated in United Way-funded disabilities programs:
- 99% received the services they needed to better care for the individual
- 99% received information on other community resources that they needed
- 99% felt that the program helped them to make plans for the individual’s future
- 98% felt that the program used them to understand rights and advocate for the individual
Of the adults that participated in United Way-funded older adult support and independence programs:
- 76% understood their rights
- 93% felt their culture was respected
- 88% felt their spiritual beliefs were respected
- 99% felt that they were treated with respect and dignity
- 45% had their financial concerns addressed
- 43% had their housing concerns addressed
- 89% had their physical health concerns addressed
- 92% felt safer and more secure
- 74% were more physically active
- 82% were better able to cope with stress
- 90% attended social activities
- 93% socialized and made friends
- 76% felt they had a voice in making their own choices
- 76% expressed their needs
- 74% could solve their own problems
- 74% maintained/improved their daily living skills
Of the caregivers that participated in United Way-funded older adult support and independence programs:
- 100% felt supported, which helped them as caregivers
- 100% were able to continue to work/seek employment
- 98% received help in accessing the services they needed to better care for the individual
- 95% were able to make plans for the individual’s future
- 100% understood their rights and advocated for themselves
- 93% received information on other community resources that they needed
Community Coalitions, Collaborations, & Partnerships
Safe & Healthy Communities
United Way transforms communities through education and access to support, making healthy choices easy, safe, and affordable. We do this by investing in programs that provide preventative health education, support survivors of intimate partner violence, house youth who are homeless, and encourage mediation and healthy conflict resolution.
Our Impact
Of the adults who participated in United Way-funded chemical abuse and dependency programs:
- 100% reduced their alcohol/drug use
- 100% felt their mental health has improved
- 100% felt their level of happiness has improved
- 89% felt their relationship with their children has improved
- 95% felt that other relationships in their life have improved
- 100% felt they had people to support them
- 100% felt they had made progress towards their goals
- 100% felt more connected to the recovery community
Of those that participated in United Way-funded health education prevention (health) programs:
- 99% were given other resources they needed
- 100% demonstrated an increased knowledge of HIV and/or STIs
- 100% were aware of their HIV and/or STI status
Of those that participated in United Way-funded intimate partner violence (victim safety) programs:
- 94% felt more confident in their decision-making skills
- 96% felt they could achieve the goals they set for themselves
- 93% had more knowledge about safety planning
- 92% were more aware of resources they could use in the future
- 90% knew more about their rights and options in the legal system
Of those that participated in United Way-funded intimate partner violence (batterer’s intervention) programs:
- 100% displayed intent to remain violence free in the future
- 100% had a better understanding that the abuse was their fault
- 100% felt they had a better understanding of the effects of domestic violence
Community Coalitions, Collaborations, & Partnerships