Tocqueville Society
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United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

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Tocqueville Society

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In the spirit of 19th century French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville, Tocqueville Society members improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people through contributions to United Way.

Individuals who contribute $10,000 or more annually to United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County’s Community Campaign, with at least $6,000 directed to United Way’s Community Fund are recognized as Tocqueville Society members.

Members are recognized around the world for the time, talent, and funds these philanthropic leaders invest locally to create long-lasting change by tackling their community’s most serious issues. Tocqueville membership is a convenient way to combine contributions for many nonprofit organizations into one pledge; supporting both the mission of United Way and the charitable goals of Tocqueville Society members.

Member Benefits

  • Tocqueville gifts are paid out to the organizations you designate to when you make your pledge (not held until receipt of payment).
  • Designations provided to United Way will be sent within 30 days directly to that agency, above and beyond its annual allocation amount.
  • United Way does not apply administrative fees for Tocqueville Society members.
  • Your employer will receive full credit for your contribution toward its workplace giving campaign total unless you specify otherwise.
  • Designated organization(s) will be notified of your generosity and provided contact information for acknowledgment purposes.

Membership Criteria

  • Contribute a total of $10,000 or more.
  • Direct at least $6,000 of your gift to United Way or one of its key initiatives.
  • Provided that you meet each of the above criteria, Tocqueville members may designate the remainder of their gift to 501(c)3 organizations, including United Way agency program partners.
  • For the greatest impact, we recommend at least 60% of your total contribution be directed to United Way or one of its key initiatives.

Linda T. and John A. Mellowes Community Impact Challenge

The Linda T. and John A. Mellowes Community Impact challenge matches new and increased Tocqueville Society gifts to United Way and/or any of its health, education, and financial stability strategies or special initiatives.


Last year, Tocqueville Society members provided over $20 million of total campaign support and welcomed nearly 80 new members. With over 660 returning members, Tocqueville Society membership has reached over 760 members with a remarkable 74 members contributing $100,000 or more.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Which agencies are eligible for gifts?

Almost all 501(c)(3) organizations in good standing are eligible. If you select an ineligible agency, United Way will contact you as soon as possible to make arrangements for redirecting or refunding that portion of your gift.

Can I give to a capital campaign?

For Tocqueville members only, payments to capital campaigns of United Way member agencies are eligible.


If I designate to a specific agency, how am I recognized for my contribution?

Unless you ask us not to release your name, agencies will be notified of your gift. You will be recognized by the agency for the dollars you directed to them, and you will be additionally recognized by United Way for your total campaign contribution.

My campaign uses United eWay (online pledging). How do I pledge?

You may use online pledging or the paper Tocqueville Society form. Either way, your gift will count as part of your workplace campaign total and you will be recognized for your giving level.

Get Involved

For more information about United Way’s Tocqueville Society, please contact Bev Arrowood via email.