United Way Pledge Processing PO Box 88988 Milwaukee, WI 53288-8988
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United Way can help your company develop and execute corporate social responsibility and community investment programs. Get started by giving a corporate gift, running a workplace campaign, becoming a sponsor, providing in-kind support, or volunteering as a team.
An enhanced community image helps your marketing and employee recruitment efforts. Your company will receive an electronic billboard highlighting your support of United Way. With a gift of $1,200 or more, your company will be featured in our Milwaukee Business Journal thank you insert. Additionally, United Way highlights corporate partners through social media and sponsored advertisements.
Johnson Controls is tripling all female, LGBTQ+, or minority -led businesses who give a new and increased gifts of up to $5,000 per company. The matching dollars will go to Reducing Barriers to Employment & Advancement. Match is from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 or until $100,000 has been met.