Give to one or more of United Way's investment areas.
Mail a Check or Pledge Form Mail all check payments and pledge forms to: United Way Pledge Processing, P.O. Box 88988, Milwaukee, WI 53288-8988
Download our current pledge form. If you need a pledge form to share with colleagues for your workplace campaign, please contact your United Way representative.
Giving back will enhance your community image plus help your marketing and employee recruitment efforts.
Make a Corporate Gift
Make a gift to United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County in honor of a loved one. Text-to-give, ApplePay, and Google Pay available.
Make a Tribute Gift
Make a payment on a pledge made during United Way's annual campaign.
Make a Payment on a Pledge
Create a lasting legacy with United Way to strengthen our community’s future while addressing your long-term estate planning and community philanthropy goals.
Learn more about making a planned gift.
Simplify your giving and amplify your strategic philanthropic goals by donating from your Donor Advised Fund.
Give Through Your Donor Advised Fund
Donating stock is a quick and easy process that allows you to deduct the full, fair market value of the asset.
Make a Stock Gift
You can make a lasting impact by making an IRA charitable rollover gift through a Qualified Charitable Distribution.
Give Through Your IRA Charitable Rollover
Contact our Donor Help Desk at 414.267.8408 or contact us via email. See our FAQs.