Legacy Society
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United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

Legacy Society

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Donors who have included United Way in their estate plans are recognized as members of the Legacy Society. Through bequests, life insurance, charitable trusts, or retirement benefits, donors of all walks of life at all income levels can make an investment in United Way's future.

Estate gifts are invested in United Way’s board-designated endowment fund. Distributions from the endowment are used as needed to support the work of United Way. Other endowment funds can be created for a specific purpose with a gift of $25,000 or more.

If you are a professional financial advisor looking for more information about Planned Giving, please visit our professional advisors resource page.

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Planned Gift Opportunities

  • Bequests: Name United Way as a beneficiary in your will – A bequest provision can be included in your will when you create it, or you can amend an existing will.
  • Outright Gifts: Make an outright gift of cash, appreciated stock or personal assets – This is an excellent technique for individuals who are looking to benefit from an immediate tax deduction, possibly from a significant bonus or selling a business.
  • Retirement Plan: Name United Way as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or IRA account – Perpetuating your gift through a retirement plan is simple, flexible and can have significant tax benefits. Contact the administrator of your retirement plan to designate United Way as a beneficiary.
  • Life Insurance: Name United Way as a beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy – Consider assigning ownership of the policy to United Way for immediate tax benefits, or simply designate United Way as the beneficiary to leave a lasting legacy in our community.
  • Other Ways to Give: There are many other ways an estate gift may be made to United Way, including Charitable Trusts and Charitable Gift Annuities. Please contact your financial advisor to determine the best planned giving plan for you.

Get Started

If you choose to support your United Way through your estate plans, please let us know so we may properly acknowledge your generosity. If preferred, you may remain anonymous and your gift will be kept confidential, but knowledge of your gift will enable us to better plan for the future.

For more information or to share with us that you’ve included United Way in your estate plan, please email legacysociety@unitedwaygmwc.org or fill out the form below.

First Name

Last Name

Spouse Name (if applicable)

Street Address


State Zip Code


Preferred Email

I would like information about planned giving.
I have included United Way of Greater Milwaukee in my estate plans in the following way(s):

    Life Insurance Beneficiary or Owner
    Retirement Plan Beneficiary
    Plans for an Outright Gift
    Other (Charitable Trust, Charitable Gift Annuity, etc)

Comments or Questions


Women United Endowment Fund

The Women United Endowment Fund will be used to support evidence-based strategies that align with United Way’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative in perpetuity. This fund recognizes the outstanding efforts of Elizabeth Brenner and the women and men who have made significant investments of time, talent, and treasure in this important initiative since its inception.