Your colleagues care about many different causes. Partnering with United Way to facilitate a workplace giving campaign allows your colleagues to give to what they are most passionate about, while also knowing their workplace is committed to giving back.
United Way staff are available to help connect your team with the issues facing our local community and the individuals and organizations addressing them. Through campaign kickoffs, special events, pledging and more – your colleagues can join the fight to make lasting change in our community.
Organizations of every size and industry can run a successful campaign. United Way makes it easy to give online and via payroll deduction, and has lots of virtual campaign ideas to share! Your organization may also receive recognition for your involvement. Learn more here.
Let us help create a fun and easy way to meet your corporate social responsibility goals while building stronger teams, creating a deeper connection to the community, and being recognized for your impact.
When the idea for a community center on the south side of Milwaukee came to fruition, United Way was there. 50 years later, United Way is still a strong partner with the United Community Center (UCC). We hold a very active employee giving campaign each year, including fun activities like car washes, craft painting, and an online and live auction (with a United Way speaker and our full staff in attendance). As a United Way partner, we know the impact they are having on our community – supporting many programs here at the UCC and throughout the four-county area. We encourage everyone to understand their gift can make a difference in the lives of individuals in Milwaukee.
Spancrete and its employees demonstrate their commitment to and involvement in our local community by annually conducting a United Way workplace giving campaign as well as donating their time at United Way events across the Greater Milwaukee area. With the help of United Way staff, Spancrete implements United Way best practices in its annual giving campaign, such as fun events, including the annual kick-off celebration as well as weekly contests and in-house volunteer activities like packing winter care kits. United Way has vital resources and staff available to make it fun but more importantly, to support the purpose of United Way and remind employees of ways to help! The company’s 2019 campaign results reflected the use of these best practices by achieving a 65% increase over 2018 results.
Contact Annie Hernandez at 414.263.8209 or complete the form below.
Calculate Your Impact • Campaign Toolkit
Company Recognition • Donor Networks