United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County supports local programs that provide resources to families struggling with some of life’s most difficult challenges.
Kiley came into the world at 26 weeks, weighing only 1 pound and 5 ounces.
The doctors explained to Kiley’s mom Michelle that premature babies are often at risk for a variety of complications, and that her daughter was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
They told her that because of her condition, Kiley would never walk.
Those words, while devastating to hear, would not stop Michelle.
When Kiley turned two, Michelle enrolled her at the United Way-funded Elaine Schreiber Child Development Center located in the Silver Spring Neighborhood Center.
Kiley received physical and occupational therapy, which helped improve her movement and skills needed for daily living. The staff worked on her balance, posture, and mobility. They praised Kiley and continually encouraged her.
Within a few months of receiving therapy and the implementation of a care plan, the staff witnessed something special: Kiley began moving around on her knees.
In March of 2019, Kiley, with the assistance of others, began to stand upright and slowly move.
Then, in June of 2019, Kiley did something she was told she could never do. She took her first steps without assistance.
Today, because of so many people working together to guide her, Kiley continues to gain strength to walk with minimal assistance.
Donations to United Way’s Community Fund support this and other local programs that help children grow and thrive. Click here to give today.