Techquity Advisory Council Application
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United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

Techquity Advisory Council Application

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Techquity, launched in 2020, is a collective impact initiative of United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County (United Way) focused on bridging the digital divide in Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington counties.

Techquity’s vision is simple: 
To ensure the digital equity and inclusion of every resident in Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington counties.

As a collective impact initiative, Techquity seeks to leverage the power of a collaborative, coordinated community to achieve significant social change. Techquity represents a network of local, regional, and national community organizations, institutions, companies, and, most importantly, people, unified around a shared vision of digital equity and inclusion in southeastern Wisconsin. Techquity strives to convene and align people, organizations, and resources of all kinds to achieve systems-level improvements to Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha county’s digital ecosystem.

The Digital Divide, Digital Equity, & Digital Inclusion

The “digital divide,” “digital equity,” and “digital inclusion” are all specific terms with precise meanings. One helpful, shorthand way of understanding these terms and how they interrelate comes from the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA):

Techquity’s uses the NDIA’s descriptions of these terms to guide its own work and strategies:

Digital Divide: The digital divide is the gap between those who have affordable access, skills, and support to effectively engage online and those who do not. As technology constantly evolves, the digital divide prevents equal participation and opportunity in all parts of life, disproportionately affecting people of color, Indigenous peoples, households with low incomes, people with disabilities, people in rural areas, and older adults.

Digital Equity: Digital equity is a condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and economy. Digital equity is necessary for civic and cultural participation, employment, lifelong learning, and access to essential services.

Digital Inclusion: Digital Inclusion refers to the activities necessary to ensure that all individuals and communities, including the most disadvantaged, have access to and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This includes five elements: 

  1. Affordable, robust broadband internet service.
  2. Internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user.
  3. Access to digital literacy training.
  4. Quality technical support.
  5. Applications and online content designed to enable and encourage self-sufficiency, participation, and collaboration.

Digital Inclusion must evolve as technology advances. Digital Inclusion requires intentional strategies and investments to reduce and eliminate historical, institutional, and structural barriers to access and use technology.


Techquity Advisory Council

Position Overview

The Techquity Advisory Council (TAC) serves to advance the vision and strategies of Techquity, a collective impact initiative of United Way.

Techquity advances its vision by implementing four main strategies:

  1. Broadband: Ensuring access to affordable, reliable broadband service.
  2. Devices: Ensuring access to affordable, internet-capable devices.
  3. Skills: Ensuring access to essential digital skills and literacy training and resources.
  4. Advocacy: Using our collective voice to fight for the digital equity and inclusion of every member of our community.

There are no formal requirements for joining the TAC save the approval of a TAC application and a personal and professional commitment to advance digital equity and inclusion throughout our community. The TAC is comprised of community members with a wide variety of digital expertise and insight. Some TAC members may be experts in professional technology roles (e.g. a CIO, Director of IT, Technology Project Manager, Software Developer, etc.). Other members may be individuals with no formal digital or technological training, but who have important insights into how digital inequities impact our community.

Term & Time Commitment
TAC members are appointed to a two-year term. The TAC Chair is appointed to a three-year term. All TAC members should anticipate a monthly time commitment of four to eight hours:

  • 1.5 hour quarterly TAC member meetings.
  • 1-2 hour monthly project team meeting.
  • Approximately 1-4 hours/month of independent project work and/or research, event attendance, etc.

Roles & Responsibilities
TAC members are responsible for contributing to the development and implementation of a sustainable plan to achieve Techquity’s digital inclusion and equity goals in each of United Way’s four counties.

TAC members will work with other council members, community members, and United Way staff to:

  • Identify those individuals, groups, and communities most adversely affected by digital inequities in Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee, and Washington counties.
  • Develop Techquity’s functions, benefits, strategies, goals, partners, projects, and new areas for tech-related investment in the effort to bridge the digital divide.
  • Identify problems and implement solutions related to the Access, Devices, Skills, and Advocacy strategies of the Techquity initiative.
  • Identify program and policy adjustments and focus areas based on the community’s most pressing needs and priorities.
  • On an as-needed basis, review grant applications and determine eligibility for Techquity funding.

TAC members commit to advancing Techquity’s vision and strategies in the following ways:

  • Advising for Techquity by sharing expertise, perspective, and experiences to further enhance the mission of United Way via the Techquity initiative.
  • Attending regular (quarterly) TAC meetings. TAC members are expected to notify the Techquity Project Manager if they have a conflict preventing them from attendance.
  • Participate in at least one of Techquity’s subcommittees (project teams) that meet on an ad hoc basis to advance one of Techquity’s four strategies or a related project.
  • Be willing to engage in frank, candid discussions related to digital equity and inclusion, and the digital divide. 
  • Review materials prior to meetings, participate in discussions, and offer suggestions. 
  • Promote Techquity’s mission and opportunities for partnership within one’s personal and professional networks.
  • Conduct and/or assist in Techquity-related research and presentations as needed.
  • Be willing to discuss and disclose potential conflicts of interest.

Application Due Date: Ongoing. Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis.

Application Notification DateSuccessful applicants will be notified at the beginning of a new quarter.

Upcoming Meetings: Typically the last Thursday of the quarter from 9:00-10:30 a.m. (date/time subject to change for holidays, etc.)

Advisory Council Chair: Tim Schaefer

Questions? Contact David Berka at 414.263.8157 or email.




Organization Address 




Please answer the following questions (250 characters max)

Have you previously volunteered with United Way in a leadership or advisory role?   Yes   No

If yes, when, for how long, and which role: 

Please describe your interest in the Techquity initiative and its strategies. Why is bridging the digital divide important to you?

Please describe how your experience, skills, and/or expertise would be an asset to a Techquity Advisory Council.

Is there one Techquity strategy in which you are especially interested or passionate about?  Please describe one idea or goal you have for advancing one or more of Techquity’s core strategies.

If seated on one of the Techquity Advisory Councils, would you commit to the council member requirements, including a quarterly 1-1.5 hr. all-members meeting for the duration of your term?   Yes   No
If no, why?

Has your organization received funding or devices through the Techquity Initiative?  Yes  No 
If yes, please describe the circumstances.
 Do you have any additional comments you’d like to share regarding Techquity or your desire to get involved?