July 14, 2015
by Kristen Gross, La Casa de Esperanza
Summer may be in full swing, but it’s not too early to start planning and thinking about those back-to-school expenses. In fact, stores are already filling their shelves with school supplies your child needs for class. But those aren’t the only costs you’ll have to worry about.
To ease the stress on you and your wallet, follow these three great tips for making the transition from summer to school a financial breeze.
1. Estimate School Fees for the School Year
School fees can range anywhere from $60 to $100 per child each year. That number includes registration, athletic and technology fees. Add up all those costs for the year for each child. Using an estimate from the prior year is a good place to start. Take the total estimated fees and divide it by the number of paychecks you will get between now and when school starts. Setting aside that dollar amount each check will ensure you are prepared when the bill comes!
What if you fall short? Save what you can. Let’s say you determined you have to save $50 a paycheck but you can only save $25? Yes, save the $25. You will still be in a better position than you were last year, and a down payment to the school is better than nothing.
2. Save on Purchasing New Clothes by Swapping
Wash and organize all your child’s clothes and do an inventory of what they still need before you start shopping. As you are going through your kids’ clothes and shoes set aside items they have outgrown or don’t wear. Get together with other friends or family and do a clothing swap. This is a great way for your child to get new clothes for school without spending ANY money! Rummages, thrift stores and watching for sales are also great ways to cut costs.
3. Use your FREE Community Resources for School Supplies
Take advantage of the Backpack Coalition in Waukesha County: Program registration has begun. Eligibility is based on income guidelines. Those who wish to receive a backpack may fill out a form at the following sites through July 31, 2015: Salvation Army in Waukesha County and local food pantries (Waukesha, Pewaukee, Mukwonago, Muskego, and Oconomowoc). The bags will be distributed on August 22 at Waukesha County Health and Human Services.
If you live in another County and need help with purchasing school supplies: Text your zip code to TXT-211 (898-211) *standard rates may apply for text messages or call toll free 1.866.211.3380
Remember, this is also a great opportunity to teach money lessons to your kids! Get them involved in the shopping, and start having conversations with them about spending priorities.
About the Blogger
Kristin Gross is an Asset Building Coach for the Financial Stability Initiative at La Casa de Esperanza, in Waukesha, Wisconsin. The Financial Stability Initiative is a partnership between La Casa de Esperanza and the United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County. Kristin has her Bachelor’s degree in Personal Finance from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. She is a financial coach and educator working with individuals and families on obtaining tools for financial capability by meeting basic needs, building savings and gaining assets. She enjoys sharing her knowledge of personal finances to positively impact the lives of others.