A Message from a Black n' Brown Boy
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United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

A Message from a Black n' Brown Boy

Main Content

October 5, 2016

Written by Shannon Reed, United Way

With all the things happening in our city around black and brown boys here is some good news.

The city of Milwaukee has established a Boys and Men of Color week (BMOC) happening Oct 3rd- Oct. 8th. This week is about finding solutions to address the challenges that boys and men of color face in our community. 

My week started with me attending the Black Male Achievement Advisory Council (BMAAC) session which discussed specific initiatives on how we plan to engage and empower boys and men of color. There were also presentations on mentoring and how we can help fathers get better connected to their kids.

One of the things I look forward to most this week, is a social gathering happening Thursday that will invite all ages to network and learn more about BMOC week in a more relaxed environment. I know good food always makes it easier for people to converse on various topics.

As I reflect on all the things that have happened over the past several months in our city and in more recent events I’m reminded that BMOC week should not be just one WEEK- it should be something we strive to do every single day. If you are pondering... ‘What can I do?’ ‘Where should I start?’

You can start right in your own backyard.

If you see trash on your block pick it up and throw it away. Make it a point to say hello to your neighbors. Find a few young boys of color and engage in conversation. Ask them how was their day? Go to your local non-profit and ask how you can get involved.

My point is start small and work your way up. I know I have been explicit about catering to my black and brown boys but engaging our girls is just as important. This week is going to fly by so get out there and impact where you can.... You can't DO everything- But you can DO something.


A black n' brown boy


Want to be part of Boys and Men of Color Week? Check out a list of events happening here.

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