Meet the Participating Schools for Teen Mental Wellness: Empowering Minds
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United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

Meet the Participating Schools for Teen Mental Wellness: Empowering Minds

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Teen Mental Wellness: Empowering Minds Students

July 10, 2024

It’s not easy being an adolescent or a young adult.

Not only are they experiencing physical, hormonal, and emotional changes that can be uncomfortable and confusing, but they’re also dealing with societal expectations and challenges. Data from the CDC shows us that more than a third of high school students reported they experienced poor mental health during COVID-19.

United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County brought together mental health experts to collaborate on solutions for youth mental health within our community to create our newest initiation, Teen Mental Wellness: Empowering Minds. The initiative works with schools to implement a comprehensive school mental health system informed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s School Mental Health Framework.

Nine schools who are dedicated to improving the mental health services and resources available in schools for their students have been selected to participate during the 2024-25 school year.

Meet the 2024-25 participating schools:


Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy High School

County: Milwaukee
Description: Dr. Howard Fuller Collegiate Academy has identified three focuses during the school year, which include a reduction in behavioral and disciplinary incidents, enhanced staff and student wellness, and a strengthened sense of belonging and community engagement.

Grafton High School

County: Ozaukee
Description: Grafton High School will work to enhance existing school-based mental health supports, broaden the Wellness Team to incorporate education staff, and establish a student-centered mental health program that prioritizes an inclusive school environment.

James Madison Academic Campus

County: Milwaukee
Description: JMAC will continue to prioritize resource mapping and other priorities informed by the needs assessment they will complete at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year.

Messmer High School

County: Milwaukee
Description: Messmer's three identified main outcomes of the initiative include all students will identify a trust adult, staff will be aware of available resources for students, and creating an intentional structure to appropriately respond to trauma and adapt to life after trauma for students.

Milwaukee Academy of Science High School

County: Milwaukee
Description: Milwaukee Academy of Sciences aims to enhance scholar engagement, participation, and investment in social emotional learning. It will also work to provide additional evidence-based interventions on a consistent basis while also providing professional development opportunities for staff to ensure they are equipped to best support students.

Pius XI

County: Milwaukee
Description: Pius XI has identified three focuses during the school year, which include further developing processes to support mental health programming at Pius XI, observing and documenting an improved state of mental health across all students, and fostering greater connections between students and teachers.

Waukesha South High School

County: Waukesha
Description: Waukesha South was successful in achieving its aims during the pilot. Funding during the 2024-25 school year will be used based on the needs assessment they conduct at the beginning of the school year.

Waukesha West High School

County: Waukesha
Description: Waukesha West High Schools hopes to achieve a comprehensive needs assessment that maps out resources currently available, enhance collaboration, and provide students and families with the information and resources they need to create safe and healthy home environments.

Wauwatosa West High School

County: Milwaukee
Description: Wauwatosa West High School has identified three focuses during the school year, which include a reduction of students identified with challenges on the Youth Risk Behavior Survey as well as an increase in coping skills, a noticeable improvement in attendance, and a reduction in referrals related to conflict and substance use.




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