December 9, 2019
Henry Monaco knew the value of the word “community.” As a past president of United Way of Greater Milwaukee for 13 years, and 29 years of service at United Way, Henry knew that there was power in bringing people to together to make a difference in the lives of so many in our neighborhoods.
On December 7, 2019, we lost Henry at the age of 81 after a long battle with cancer. Many remember him as a man of integrity and passion, always looking for ways to fight for those in need.
As I reflect on all of the past leaders who sat in the very chair I sit in now, I am so grateful for their vision, insight, and bold courage that still resonates in our world today.
Henry was no exception.
Henry initiated the United Way of Greater Milwaukee's Outcomes Project. The program requires agencies that receive local United Way donations to create systems that measure the results of their efforts. The Outcomes Project let the general public know that their donations would be used for programs that work. The project won awards and became a national model for United Way chapters.
Henry also helped execute United Way's donor choice program, giving contributors even more control over how their money is spent.
As the president of United Way of Greater Milwaukee, Henry was responsible for raising, managing, and distributing over $300 million over his 13 year tenure. Henry continued giving back to the community in so many ways over the next several years.
Today, we remember Henry Monaco and we say thank you. Thank you for everything you did for our community, and thank you for showing us all what it truly means to Live United.
Amy Lindner
President & CEO
United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County