Make April Your Most Impactful Month Yet!
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April 3, 2018
Written by Katie Kuhn, United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
No matter how much time you have, United Way can help you make a positive impact on your community this month. Celebrate (almost) spring by helping out in one of the following ways:
- Dust off your denim! April 25 is Denim Day, which aims to end victim blaming and promote awareness about sexual violence. In addition to wearing jeans on this day, consider purchasing a self-care item to donate to a local victim-support organization. Learn more about Denim Day.
- Help a neighbor get a job. Volunteers at the Lincoln Avenue Job Seminar will help local men and women develop the skills and resources they need to boost their job search prospects, find a new job, or start a new career. Resume and interview coaches are needed. Learn more.
- Ensure kids succeed in school. Milwaukee Community Schools Partnership is all about welcoming the surrounding community into a school to best support students and families. Homework Diners bring kids, parents, and teachers together to work on homework over dinner. Volunteers are needed to assist with general event support. Learn more.
- Share your budgeting skills. Volunteers are needed to serve as budget coaches at the second annual Financial Empowerment Seminar. This free learning opportunity will be available to clients from United Way partner agencies and local community organizations who are looking to develop basic financial skills. Learn more.
- Get a seat at the table. Reserve your spot at the annual Women United Bruncheon to learn how Women United members are fighting for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our local community. Anna Maria Chavez, executive vice president and chief growth officer for the National Council on Aging will deliver the keynote speech. Register today.
United Way has hundreds of volunteer opportunities on our easily-searchable site. Find your impact today!