October 5, 2016
From push-ups and chin-ups to karate kicks and more, Milwaukee’s Strong Baby campaign has launched a new campaign focusing on the City of Milwaukee Health Department’s Home Visiting Programs. The programs, which serve pregnant mothers, fathers and their families through the prenatal period and after the child is born, support healthy birth outcomes, child development and family self-sufficiency.
“I want every baby in Milwaukee to be a Strong Baby,” said Mayor Tom Barrett. “Strong Babies start at home. By supporting parents and families, our City of Milwaukee Health Department’s Home Visiting Programs help families achieve healthier birth outcomes and child development. But, more importantly, the moms and dads we serve become more equipped and confident with the skills needed to create families where children feel loved, safe and supported.”
Outdoor and bus advertisements featuring families served by the programs are now appearing in targeted locations with the message “Home visits help support stronger families.” A new website and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram messages provide information and resources for Milwaukee residents to share.
The campaign is part of the communitywide effort to reduce infant mortality in Milwaukee.
Want to learn more about the campaign or how to help your baby be a Strong Baby? Visit www.homevisitmke.org
Learn more about United Way’s work to reduce the infant mortality rate.