Sam Collier (left) founded TeamTeal365 to reach out and provide survivors with trauma-informed care resources.
April 10, 2018
Written by Samantha Collier, founder of TeamTeal365, thriver, healer, educator, and advocate for sexual assault survivors #SAAM
“I am a voice of powerful, visible change”
Being a “thriver” of sexual violence is heavy. Just speaking about it is heavy; imagine living it.
I now serve others from the same pain, but I’m grateful because this has become my purpose. Advocating for and confirming another survivor’s journey through sharing my resilience story drives me. The fact that I’m here breathing fresh, clean air when I can remember breathing in hurt, doubt, and “CAN’T” is amazing. I believe that protecting self, healing self, and community self-care is the reason we rejoice in our own healing.
The mission behind TeamTeal365 came through my truth. I spoke to my pain which transformed into a passion 365 days a year. I’m thankful to God for saving me, covering me in the darkest days, helping my unloved heart. My healing has been a marathon, not just a quick sprint. I’ve been journaling since I was 16 years old, so when I was raped at 27 years old I became very frozen, from my heart to my outlook, to living beyond the abuse and seeing the beauty I kept for myself.
I created TeamTeal365, LLC in 2009 as an outreach impact group. We first started with information booths on sexual assault awareness month along with writing opinion pieces in local papers. I never saw outreach organizations empowering the community, schools, and summer festivals with trauma-involved care resources and coping skills or educations materials, so I started the lane. I started it for public healing not just for me, but for a better we.
Presently, we are serving a yearly contract at a local high school using the Breaking the Cycle curriculum with 9th-10th grade girls. We’ve created a yearly event called Paint the City Teal Day, which will be celebrated on April 13, 2018. This gives all things teal a place to shine. The conversation brings awareness to a big issue in communities. It is very powerful: wrapping trees, wearing teal, decorating offices and blocks with teal to show that we all must stand with the community! Healing sexual assaults takes all of us. We are breaking generational curses with every chain a person is willing to release.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month, or #SAAM, the most powerful month of year, spells my name. This just gives me more conformation I’m right where I am supposed to be. I was created to serve through helping others live alive, not just breathing but living the best us we can.
Sexual violence and or abuse leaves induvials living in fear; some never get the chance to realize their full potential because their pain outweighs their strength. TeamTeal365 wraps each survivor in compassion and trust starting with the simple words “I Believe You”. These words help victims transition from surviving to thriving.
For more information on TeamTeal365 please contact us:
262 385-6691
April is Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month. Help support survivors by wearing denim on Denim Day, April 25. Learn more about Denim Day and find out how you can get involved.