Workplace Campaign Social Toolkit
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United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

Workplace Campaign Social Toolkit

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This is your one location to download social graphics and content to prepare for your upcoming workplace campaign.

Social Graphics & Messaging

Want to show support on social media for your United Way workplace campaign? Use any of the messaging and the graphics/templates below to advertise your upcoming workplace campaign.

Remember to tag us!

@UnitedWayGMWC    #UnitedWayGMWC

Templates and Graphics

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Stories To Share

Safe & Stable Homes in Milwaukee

Together, Community Advocates and Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee are working to make sure families don’t experience homelessness with support from United Way’s Safe & Stable Homes initiative.


Crystal in front of Family Promise of Waukesha County

Safe & Stable Homes in Waukesha: Crystal & Family Promise

When Crystal had unexpected medical problems, the risk of homelessness for her and her three sons loomed. The Family Homelessness Prevention Program at Family Promise of Waukesha County helped Crystal stay in her home.


Dominiquia at Next Door

Reducing Barriers to Employment & Advancement: Dominiquia & Next Door

Dominiquia knew a change was needed. Through the United Way-funded Pathways Program at Next Door, Dominiquia was able to pursue her new career in early childhood education without hesitation or barriers.


Jack and Anne

Teen Mental Wellness Empowering Minds: Jack & Anne

Jack knew that he needed help with his anxiety. United Way’s newest initiative, Teen Mental Wellness: Empowering Minds' goal is to elevate the mental wellness of 21,000 high school students, like Jack, by 2030.


Digital Skills Training at La Casa de Esperanza

Techquity: Digital Skills Training

Techquity's digital skills trainings, like “Cyber Security Basics,” held at our partner agency, La Casa de Esperanza in Waukesha, help to teach the community how to navigate the internet safely.


Gabriela Diéguez, Sixteenth Street Community Health Center

Mental Health Improvement Fund

Mental health and mental healthcare access is one of the community health areas that weighs most heavily in our area. It’s why Milwaukee Health Care Partnership members and United Way have narrowed our health focus to the new Mental Health Improvement Fund.


Maritza at La Causa

Community Fund: Maritza & La Causa

Maritza loved La Causa’s Early Childhood Program as a kid, so she wanted to bring her children into the program too. La Causa’s mission is to provide quality, comprehensive services that nurture healthy family life and enhance community stability.


Carol and Larry

Community Fund: Larry, Carol, & Eras Senior Network

Eras Senior Network’s mission is to support seniors and adults with disabilities in leading meaningful lives. Larry, a volunteer through Eras Senior Network's Neighborhood Outreach Project, takes Carol and her service dog grocery shopping every other week.


Mikayla is a mentor through City Year Milwaukee

Community Fund: Mikayla & City Year

City Year helps students with educational curricula as well as helping them develop their social and emotional learning. Alumni like Mikalya act as tutors and mentors, ensuring that students receive equitable opportunities in education.


Glendalys at Bay View Community Center

Community Fund: Glendalys & Bay View Community Center

When Glendalys lost her home, she had very few options until a friend referred her to Bay View Community Center. Their emergency food pantry provides families with resources and teaches parents how to prepare different, nutritious meals for their families.


Nyesha Stone, Carvd N Stone Founder

Racial Equity Fund: Carvd N Stone

With funding help from United Way's Racial Equity Fund, Nyesha Stone was able to launch a marketing campaign for her news organization, Carvd N Stone, and take steps towards helping it succeed. Dedicated to changing the narrative, Carvd N Stone focuses on positive news - and only positive news - from Black and Brown communities.


Rafael Garcia, Founder of Community First

Racial Equity Fund: Community First

Community First is committed to keeping low-to-moderate seniors and families anchored in their homes. Through United Way's Racial Equity Fund, they have been able to expand career development, fund market studies, and cover costs associated with critical housing repairs and renovations.