December 15, 2020
Written by Karissa Gretebeck, manager of corporate volunteerism and engagement at United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
Let’s be honest – this year has been hard. For so many across our community, the last few months have been riddled with loss, grief, overwhelming change, and ongoing uncertainty about what the future holds.
While many of us may find that we are breathing a sigh of relief as 2020 finally winds to a close, it’s not too late to bring your own kind of do-good magic to this historic year.
There is a joy in giving. There is a hope in receiving. There is so much simple good that can be done from the comfort of your own home, to shine a light for another.
Join us for quick, easy, and fun ways that you, your team, and your family can help us end this crazy year with JOY!
Festive Ways to Do Good This Month
- Host a virtual holiday carols sing along, record it, and share with your families, neighbors and local older adult facilities
- Create & set out a basket of appreciation snacks for mail & delivery drivers
- Get crafty making homemade holiday cards and mail to local nonprofit organizations
- Send a heartfelt note to your child’s teacher, a teacher or mentor in your life – they need your support!
- Pack a small meal and snack pack for local individuals and families experiencing homelessness. United Way can help direct you to an agency in need.
- Visit our family engagement webpage for more fun ideas!