Please review the information below. If everything is correct, click “Send”. To go back and edit your entries, click “Edit”.
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We ask that all organizations who are interested in applying for Reducing Barriers to Employment & Advancement (RBEA) please complete the form below. We recommend writing longer answers in Word and copying and pasting into the form. If you have any questions please reach out to our team here. Please note that technical assistance will be provided as soon as possible Monday through Friday during the business hours of 9am - 5pm.
Organization name:
Partnership requests are encouraged. If this project includes more than one agency, please list all partners:
Qualification Responses - Check all that apply:
Lead organization is a 501(c)3 in good financial standing
Lead organization has been operating as a 501(c)3 for at least one year
The governing board of your organization has approved a policy that states the organization does not discriminate based on social or economic class, gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation and identification, disability, special health care needs, race or religion
Counties served by program - Check all that apply:
Germantown in Washington County
Funding amount requested (may not exceed $100,000):
Please select one or more of the priorities you will be addressing:
Education, training, and credentials
Re-entry Services
Program name:
Is this program currently funded by the RBEA Initiative?
Please provide a brief description of the program and the proposed strategy that will be used to address the priorities selected.
How does the proposed project address employment and income inequalities?
Briefly describe your program's capacity to serve populations that are facing barriers to gaining and sustaining full-time employment with a family sustaining wage.
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Contact Information:
Primary Contact:
Job Title:
Primary Email:
Primary Phone:
Primary Address:
Secondary Contact:
Secondary Job Title:
Secondary Email:
Secondary Phone:
Note: Click the submit button when the form is completed. The next page will confirm that the form has been submitted and the primary email will receive a confirmation email.