Safe & Stable Homes: Ending Family Homelessness Letter of Intent
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United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County

Safe & Stable Homes: Ending Family Homelessness Letter of Intent

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We ask that all organizations who are interested in applying for Safe & Stable Homes please complete the form below. We recommend writing longer answers in Word and copying and pasting into the form. If you have any questions please reach out to our team here. Please note that technical assistance will be provided as soon as possible Monday through Friday during regular business hours.

Qualification Information

Agency name: 


Partnership requests will be considered. If this project includes more than one agency, please list all partners:

Program Name: 

Brief (1-5 sentence) description of program purpose, including program name:

Funding amount requested:

Please indicate which of the following four priorities the funded program most aligns with:

Is this a continuation of a program already funded through Safe & Stable Homes?

If you responded ‘no’ to the previous question, provide an overview of program activities, program staffing plans, and how you intend to use funds, if granted. (3,000 character max)

Are you a member agency of the Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care or the Milwaukee Coalition on Housing & Homelessness (Milwaukee CoC)? 

Please indicate one or more of the following counties in the proposed program's service area:

Does your agency have program activities that intentionally target or serve the LGBTQ+ community? If yes, please answer how and why you incorporate this into your work. United Way’s Pride United donor group champions Safe & Stable Homes in their fundraising and identifying connections between SASH and their mission is helpful.

Contact Information

Primary Contact:

Job title: 


Primary phone: 

Primary address: 

Note: Click the submit button when the form is completed. The next page will confirm that the form has been submitted and the Leader email will receive a confirmation email.